جمعہ، 11 اپریل، 2008

ایل وی مونکی

مونکی موٹر سائیکل
مونکی موٹر سائیکل
لیوی ویٹون کی سیٹ والا یه مونکی ایک غیر معمولی بات والا ہے که اس پر لیوی ویٹون کی سیٹ لگی ہے ـ
مذاق کرنے والے بهی بڑے مذاقیه هوتے هیں ـ
میرا ایک کک باکسر دوست لیوی ویٹون کے باکسنگ گلوز اور رک سک بنوانا چاهتا تها ـ
ایک چیز جو اگزسٹ هی نہیں کرتی ایسی چیز رکھنا کیسا لگتا ہے ؟؟
لیوی ویٹون لیدر کی چیزیں بنانے والی ایک ڈیزائین کمپنی ہے
ایک برانڈ نیم انتہائی اعلی درجے کا برانڈ!ـ
جیب میں ڈالنے والا ایک پرس بهی پانچ سو ڈالر کا آتا ہے
یعنی تیس هزار پاک روپے کا ـ
کہتے هیں که جب ٹائی ٹینک جہاز کے ڈوبنے کا حادثه هوا تها تو میں لیوی ویٹون کے بیگ اور صندوق هی تیرتے پائے گئیے تهے ـ
شانزے لیزے پیرس
پیرس میں شانزے لیزے پر لیوی ویپون والوں کی دوکان جس کے سامنے امریکیوں اور جاپانی گاهکوں کی لائین لگی هوتی ہے ـ
باقی جی اکر سمجھ نه لگے تو ؟
مٹی پاؤ !!!!ـ

2 تبصرے:

گمنام کہا...

There are around 2.5 billion Muslims in the world. Could you please mention the name of one spiritual leader or president or PM or king or any other type of leader who has done this much of work as the AGA KHAN has done for the UMMAH. Many people believe that he only does it for Ismailies. What people dont know is he mainly does it for the MUSLIMs in general but since his own community people participate actively in professional as well as volunteer activities, they get highlighted first. Also you would be amazed to know that the majority of people working in AGA KHAN organizations are non AGA KHANis and the majority of people who benefit are also NON AGA KHANis. Take for example the case of AGA KHAN university hospital Karachi. The majority people who are doing job there or coming as patient are non AGA KHANis.The only plus point for the AGA KHANIs is if they are not able to pay the heavy fee they get some sort of assistance from related community NGOs etc. But this at times is not available to others, reason being its not possible for AGA KHAN university hospital to check people and their financial condition with certainty outside the community. And we all know how easy it is for people in KARACHI to make fake documents. Within community its easy for the hospital to keep and eye and find out the truth about the financial condition of a family. There is also no doubt about the fact that AKU is quite expansive but at the same time do consider the annual BUDGET BILL the hospital pays. Just add up the electricity, water , maintenance and other bills that run into millions.etc.

So please do some research before forwarding false accusation. Also please keep in mind that the AGA KHANi community itself doesnt consist of angels. They are after all humans like you and me. If they are not running any institute or organisation properly dont put the blame on AGA KHAN. The AGA KHAN runs one of the largest networks of hujmanity and assisance and philanthrophy the world has ever seen with thousands of schools all over the world ( mainly in 3rd world and african) hospitals and all kind of organisations ALONE and ONLY ALONE. Imagine the world load he has, PLUS this is all the worldly worlload. Imagine the religioujs worlload he has to take care of about 25 -30 million Ismailies around the world. Its said that the AGA KHAN works 20 hours non-stop a day. He even doesnt take a break in his aeroplane and keep on cheking files and documents send to him by high officials all around the world.

Compare this with all other of your MUSLIM leadership and tell me does anyone else comes 1% close to what he has done or is doing for the MUSLIM ummah. How many of you know that the AGA KHAN plays and active party in helping MUSLIM countries getting stability and peace. How many of you know the role of AGA KHAN as a negociiating partnet to different sides in IRAQ and other his role in rescuring 1 million MUSLIMs in central Asia when the whole MUSLIM ummah was sleepiung and people were dying of starvation and no availibility of food when RUSSIA abondoned the CENTRAL ASIA muslim countries.

As i have said earlier the AGA KHAN is not a personality who believes in giving photo shoots (unless insisted by press obviously) t o public for all the good worked he does.

People have mentioned about him being the direct descendant of Hazrat Ali etc. For that please refer to the books and read "The Ismailies , their history and doctrine" by Farhad Daftary ( again a non AGA KHANI scholar) who did 20+ years of research on Ismaili history and came up with this master piece.

As for all the personal beliefs of the Ismailies, its their personal matter and no one sect in ISLAM has the right to point a finger on other. Everyone considers itself the TRUE ONE. So let ALLAH be the justice decider and not the fake and fatwa-obsessed ulema .

گمنام کہا...


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